We at ecclesia (formerly Calvary Chapel South London CCSL) exist to glorify God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son by the power of the Holy Spirit (who dwells with us). By His grace, we are God’s people called out from different cultures and diverse backgrounds, to come together for His glory and for our benefit.
Our vision is to be a healthy church, that is, a church with healthy relationships with God, healthy relationships with each other, and to have healthy, thriving families. We desire to equip the church to be able to disciple as Jesus Christ commanded us, and to be effective in outreaching to our local community. In all of this, we aim to make much of Christ because it is by Him we have relationship with God.
If this all sounds strange to you, we believe we have good news, and we welcome the opportunity to share more about Jesus and His ecclēsia His church with you. If, on the other hand, these word elicits a hallelujah from you – we say amen! Either way, whether believer or sceptic, ecclēsia welcomes you.